RetroflagGpi Guides

Useful guides for Retroflag Gpi Case

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My controls are not working

Is it only the D-pad that’s not working?

Try changing the D-pad mode: Hold Select + Up until the power light flashes purple (HAT mode). The other mode is: Select + Left (Axis mode).

For New Units try Start + Up or Start + Left. (use start button instead of select)

Reset Emulation Station Controller inputs

Is Xboxdrv installed?

Are you on the newest controller framework?

If you are unsure if your controller framework is on the newest one, the easiest thing to do is to just install it again using these steps. After performing this, you can be sure that you have the newest framework and it is working properly.

cd && cd RetroPie/retropiemenu && wget -O && sudo chmod 775

Are your Controller Framework files updated?

Does the emulator use default key bindings?

Is your keyboard localization set to US/UK?

The Controller Framework scripts are meant to use US/UK keys currently. If your keyboard localization is something different this could pose a problem. You may need to either switch your localization for your keyboard, or you may have to change the key bindings in each emulator for the buttons that match your keyboard locale. Such as the letter ‘Z’ and letter ‘Y’ might need to be swapped, etc.

HE-MAN OpenBOR - did you copy default.cfg to HE-MAN.cfg

sudo cp /opt/retropie/configs/ports/openbor/Saves/default.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/ports/openbor/Saves/HE-MAN.cfg

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